PlayStation 3 160 GB Review. With the PlayStation 3 160GB system, you get free PlayStation Network membership, built-in Wi-Fi and 160GB of hard disk drive storage for games, music, videos and photos. And every PS3 system comes with a built-in Blu-ray player to give you pristine picture quality and the best high-definition viewing experience available. Whether it’s gaming, Blu-ray movies, music or online services, experience it all with the PlayStation 3 system....
"Fun for the Whole Family:" 2010-08-21
By WorshipMeister
Let me give a little bit of background before diving into a review. When the original NES came out, I was hooked. I didn't think anything could be better than Super Mario Bros. Then there was the Sega Genesis...and as I entered college, the original Playstation. Wow!
After college I settled down, got married, had children, and stopped playing games for a while. Just 2 years ago I picked up a wii "for the family" and have enjoyed it since. Mario Galaxy 2 looks great and is a great deal of fun to play...and there are other great games on the wii as well. For the record, I'd never played a PS2, PS3 or Xbox.
Don't get me wrong, the wii is great. There are a number of wii exclusives that I love. But I was still wanting something with some better graphics/games and thus began my research between xbox and ps3. Both are great systems! This was going to be harder than I thought. In the end, I felt like the game selection for the PS3 slightly outweighed that of the xbox for the family. The PS3 has LittleBigPlanet and Ratchet and Clank, as well as Uncharted/Metal Gear/etc. And while the xbox has some great exclusives as well, I was leaning toward the PS3.
When I saw that the PS3 slim increased the hard drive from 120gb to 160gb I finally bit the bullet. I was wanting to get a blu-ray player sometime so I figured I'd just get the ps3. Just set it up last night. Set-up was a breeze and the graphics, wow, they truly are stunning. As I said, the wii is great and I'll continue to play and enjoy wii-exclusive games, but compared to xbox/ps3 graphics, there really is no comparison. I'm really looking forward to NHL 11 and Gran Turismo 5 (as the wii is lacking in these types of games).
Overall, I'm thrilled with the PS3. I'm looking forward to getting my music and other media files loaded onto it and finally beginning the world of blu-ray movies and advanced gaming. While I do wish I could load files to it from a device formatted to something other than FAT, it's certainly not a deal-breaker. The PS3 works as it should, set-up is simple, has free online, great exclusive games, and so much more. Whether or not it's the right choice for you is up for you to decide. The Xbox is also a great system, but I'm happy with my final decision.
Note: Extras you may need:
- Extra controller, PS3 blu-ray remote control, and an hdmi or set of component cables depending on your video capabilities.
"Best entertainment out there" 2010-08-27
By V. Tran
I've been happy with my PS3 since launch, and this new slim is extremely quiet and even more reliable. The games are some of the best I've played, and with PS Move and 3D coming, it makes even better. Add to that, it's a great blu-ray player, can stream content from your PC, has built in Wi-Fi on every version available, the PS3 is a great console for everyone.
"Nothing better than the Ps3" 2010-09-18
By TavoAbarca
All I can say as a video game fanatic is that with this console you will be dealing with the best video game experience and (in my opinion) the best tittles in video games, PS3 was allso the first blue ray player ever made so its not just a great console but a great if not the best blue ray player that you can have. In addition its true that the play station network is not the best network out there but its not that bad and I have never experienced any problems with online gaming.
In short conclution all I can say is... if you are looking for a video game console you will definetly need to have the PS3 in mind and remember you are getting a great blue ray player to.
"the best video console..." 2010-09-20
By Daniel de la vega
Excellent video game console, filled all my expectations, without a doubt recommend it widely, and better now with 160GB ... fun for hours ... really is the best option.
"Solid System" 2010-09-18
By Chuck
Finally picked one up due to finally nearing the release date of Gran Turismo 5. I am thoroughly impressed, the PS3 definitely has a lot of functionality. It could pass off as a home theater PC all by itself.
By WorshipMeister
Let me give a little bit of background before diving into a review. When the original NES came out, I was hooked. I didn't think anything could be better than Super Mario Bros. Then there was the Sega Genesis...and as I entered college, the original Playstation. Wow!
After college I settled down, got married, had children, and stopped playing games for a while. Just 2 years ago I picked up a wii "for the family" and have enjoyed it since. Mario Galaxy 2 looks great and is a great deal of fun to play...and there are other great games on the wii as well. For the record, I'd never played a PS2, PS3 or Xbox.
Don't get me wrong, the wii is great. There are a number of wii exclusives that I love. But I was still wanting something with some better graphics/games and thus began my research between xbox and ps3. Both are great systems! This was going to be harder than I thought. In the end, I felt like the game selection for the PS3 slightly outweighed that of the xbox for the family. The PS3 has LittleBigPlanet and Ratchet and Clank, as well as Uncharted/Metal Gear/etc. And while the xbox has some great exclusives as well, I was leaning toward the PS3.
When I saw that the PS3 slim increased the hard drive from 120gb to 160gb I finally bit the bullet. I was wanting to get a blu-ray player sometime so I figured I'd just get the ps3. Just set it up last night. Set-up was a breeze and the graphics, wow, they truly are stunning. As I said, the wii is great and I'll continue to play and enjoy wii-exclusive games, but compared to xbox/ps3 graphics, there really is no comparison. I'm really looking forward to NHL 11 and Gran Turismo 5 (as the wii is lacking in these types of games).
Overall, I'm thrilled with the PS3. I'm looking forward to getting my music and other media files loaded onto it and finally beginning the world of blu-ray movies and advanced gaming. While I do wish I could load files to it from a device formatted to something other than FAT, it's certainly not a deal-breaker. The PS3 works as it should, set-up is simple, has free online, great exclusive games, and so much more. Whether or not it's the right choice for you is up for you to decide. The Xbox is also a great system, but I'm happy with my final decision.
Note: Extras you may need:
- Extra controller, PS3 blu-ray remote control, and an hdmi or set of component cables depending on your video capabilities.
By V. Tran
I've been happy with my PS3 since launch, and this new slim is extremely quiet and even more reliable. The games are some of the best I've played, and with PS Move and 3D coming, it makes even better. Add to that, it's a great blu-ray player, can stream content from your PC, has built in Wi-Fi on every version available, the PS3 is a great console for everyone.
By TavoAbarca
All I can say as a video game fanatic is that with this console you will be dealing with the best video game experience and (in my opinion) the best tittles in video games, PS3 was allso the first blue ray player ever made so its not just a great console but a great if not the best blue ray player that you can have. In addition its true that the play station network is not the best network out there but its not that bad and I have never experienced any problems with online gaming.
In short conclution all I can say is... if you are looking for a video game console you will definetly need to have the PS3 in mind and remember you are getting a great blue ray player to.
By Daniel de la vega
Excellent video game console, filled all my expectations, without a doubt recommend it widely, and better now with 160GB ... fun for hours ... really is the best option.
By Chuck
Finally picked one up due to finally nearing the release date of Gran Turismo 5. I am thoroughly impressed, the PS3 definitely has a lot of functionality. It could pass off as a home theater PC all by itself.