By Susan Hinojoza (Union City, CA USA)
I do not like small earphones that go into the ear. After a very short time I find them very uncomfortable. I also hate anything pressing on my head.
I was looking for a set of over the ear phones which were light weight, comfortable, had excellent sound fidelity, a longish cord so I can be comfortably away from my stereo, and effectively blocked outside sounds. My primary motivation for buying these phones was so that I could listen to opera and really hear the phrases. I wanted all this for under $30.00
These head phones delivered. As soon as they arrived, I tested them on a variety of music types at a variety of volumes. The phones are very comfortable and except for a bit of warming of my ears, which was rather pleasant, I barely noticed them. The cushion on the crosspiece is thick enough so that you don't really feel it.
Sound fidelity is excellent. I was actually able to hear parts of music and instruments that I had never noticed before. This was especially true with classical, opera and jazz. The balance between bass and treble was very good, although if you really like loud thumping base, you may be a bit dissappointed.
I was not able to get the volume up loud enough to notice any distortion before it was too much for me, so I can't really say that there will be no distortion if you like really loud music.
If you are looking for headphones that are a good bargain for the money and have a limited budget, these are it.
By lofey (Hong Kong SAR, China)
I own a couple of pairs of headphones for different purposes, the Sennheiser HD202 is for listening to my iPod. I'm living in a city where mobile-zombies are addicted to incessant cell phone chatting in the public. The headphones' ability of providing isolation from outside annoyance is of utmost importance when I consider purchasing a pair of headphones for travelling purpose. The HD202, sealed in design, excels in that functionality. Most noises are decently blocked away from my listening pleasure. The HD202 is mid-sized, and I don't find portability a burden. The headphones are circum-aural, for my average-sized ears, which contributes a lot to the good isolation. The pleather ear-pads and cushion under the head-band are comfy, no complaints for extended wearing for me.
Sound-wise, I found the HD202 performing unexpectedly well for headphones in this price range. These cans could be driven by the iPod with ease. Judging by listening impressions, I found the HD202's frequency response even and flat, with a little emphasis on the bottom and a bit roll-off on the high end. Bass-heads might found its lows less then head-bombing, but it's just adequate for me, allowing mids and highs passing through to paint a balanced sound profile. Since the HD202 is a sealed-type design, notes above the mids are not as open and airy as its open counterparts. Details are of cuz not as good as the Sennheiser HD600, my reference phones, but it's totally acceptable for a pair of travelling cans. The Grado SR-60 has more details, but its highs are, surprisingly, harsher than the HD202, and it just fails to block any noise from outside which defeat the very intention of evading the roaring of the zombies.
My listening spectrum is broad, ranging from classical, operas, chansons francaises, jazz, old rock, psychedelic, indies, metal to trip hop. Although not perfect (what could be anyway?), the HD202 performs satisfactorily in every genre I have tried through it, and favors music with heavy beats, like Portishead and Morcheeba. It also sounds good with Doors, Cream, Deep Purple and Black Sabbath. It's best for dance, pop and rock. For classical fans, the HD202 could also bring smile on your face. It's not the smoothest phones in the world, but its shortcomings (a bit dry and inability to retrieve full details) are forgivable and it could let you forget hi-fi and dive into musical nirvana. Gieseking's Debussy piano readings from his 78r/m era are just magical, and the pluckings of the double-bass in Munch's "Symphonie Fantastique" (1954 version) are tangible and rich. The HD202 also "Rings", pun not intended, well with Wagner. The Bayreuth acoustics are understated, yet remains beautiful, through the HD202. I enjoy every bow across the strings and the "Ho-jo-to-ho!" by the Walkures. For jazz, both vocals (Lady Day) and instrumentals (Monk and Coltrane) swing.
For durability, the HD202 doesn't score too high. The cord on the left can has developed bad contact after 2 years' service. Since the cords are non-detachable, the ailment could not be remedied. I thought of buying a new set of HD202 but was bitten by the up-grade bug and bought a HD212pro instead. And boy what wrong I have done and feel regreted for my conversion. The HD212 might have deeper bass, but it doesn't come close to the HD202 regarding naturalness which I place high regarding music listening. It has TOO MUCH bass for my taste. Sounds are richer but somewhat artificial in the 212. I much prefer the 202 to the bass-exaggerated, unnatural and over-rated 212pro.
For listeners not obsessed with bass fetishism and hi-fi-similacrum who want to enjoy music on the road, Sennheiser HD202 is highly recommended.
By Douglas Henderson (SW Montana)
I bought a set of Sennheiser HD-202 headphones through Amazon a few days ago, paid the $5.00 for 3 day shipping (couldn't find anything else to boost the total past $25.00) and the phones arrived today--well packed. I'm not an audiophile and can't say but that the headphones sound simply splendid, whether listening to CD's, tapes or radio, including FM transmitted XM radio reception. The bass is there, but not overwhelming. The overall experience of listening through these phones is remarkably different and richer than hearing the same music through radio or small boombox speakers. The balance and enhancement of the frequency range is just unique--though this is probably a quality of most any good headphone.
I plugged the smaller jack into a variety of radios, a stero system and a boom box--all with fine, sound altering effect. The radios included a Tecsun PPL-550 and Grundig Satellit 800. It worked beatufully in a second-hand Sony CFD-S38 boombox and a new Panasonic stereo system. And it sure enhanced the TV audio.
They fit comfortably, fit well over my ears and do not completely mask even subtle outside sounds--unless you turn them way up, which I'm inclined to avoid doing. The HD-202 headphones also enhance stray sound artifacts from less-than-ideal recordings or poor radio reception--but that's not the fault of earphones that seem to allow you to hear everything more clearly. All in all, a good product, so far, for a little over $20.00.
By Dan Schulze (Las Vegas, Nevada USA)
After reading several reviews, I did something I usually don't do - I ordered a pair of these headphones without listening to them first. I have ordered earphones (the expensive in your ear kind) and was disappointed in both cases. I returned each of them. But these babies are just what I was looking for. I use them with my iPod. I also have a pair of the very expensive Sennheiser HD600 headphones, and while they are more open and more accurate (for 22 times the price they should be!!); I was very surprised how great these sound. When I got these, I thought the earpiece seemed a bit small, but they covered the ear fully, and after using them for a while, I didn't even notice that. I have a very large head, and I have not felt that these are tight at all; in fact I have worn them for several hours, with no discomfort at all. They are very light-weight too!! I have trusted the Sennheiser name for years, and these continue to enforce with me that the trust I have in the Sennheiser name is not unfounded. If you want a pair of headphones that has strong, clean bass, and great sounding mids and highs - get these babies!! You will not be disappointed!!
By John Flufin (Dearborn, MO)
While I'm not an audiophile by any means, with age, I'm beginning to appreciate higher quality sound. Compared to my previous experiences with mediocre headphones (run-of-the-mill $20-ish Wal-Mart variety) these 202's completely blow away anything I've ever used before but, incredibly, only cost a few bucks more.
As others have noted, these have very good bass response. So much in fact that I had to turn down the bass on my receiver while watching television. I could see how one might become annoyed with the routine of fiddling with settings but so far I don't mind. If it makes any difference, I didn't might the extra bass while listening to music. I just didn't care for big booming newscasts and sitcoms.
Several reviewers also noted that the 202's were very tight fitting. I'm not calling them liars, as the topic is very subjective, but I have a fairly large head (7 3/4" hat size) and felt very comfortable wearing the Sennheiser's.
I especially appreciated the extra care Sennheiser took in designing the packaging. Very easy to open. No scissors, knives, drills or chainsaws were necessary. Just popped open with my fingers.
All said and done I'm VERY happy with my purchase. In fact I'm considering the purchase of second pair.
BTW, despite the description not mentioning a 1/4" adapter being included, Sennheiser wisely include one as well as a belt clip to take up the slack on the generous cord. Unfortunately I wasted $5 and purchased an extra adapter from Amazon. Please correct the description Amazon!